Education and Qualifications
Abu Juan graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Ghana, Legon, in June 2011 and then proceeded to the Ghana School of Law. He was called to the Ghana Bar in October 2013. He also obtained a degree in Banking and Finance from the University of Ghana Business School in 2000. He has also undertaken and completed a training program in Arbitration organized by the Ghana Arbitration Centre with international and local facilitators such as Professor Martin Hunter, Dr. Nana S.K.B Asante, Justice Alan Brobbey (RTD.), Justice Date Bah (RTD.), etc. He aims to pursue further courses in International Arbitration to become an International Arbitrator.
As a lawyer, Abu Juan had his first experience in litigation when he joined Sory @ Law to undertake his pupillage for six (6) months under Thaddeus Sory Esq, which pupillage commenced in October 2013 and ended in March 2014. He was engaged as an associate at Sory @ Law, where he has been working on various cases, sometimes alone and at other times in collaboration with other lawyers at the firm.
As very high standards are demanded from every lawyer at Sory @ Law, Abu Juan is well motivated to live up to those standards.
Before becoming a lawyer, Abu Juan worked as a businessman in non-traditional product exports and operated in the construction industry for a while.
Likes to watch football over the weekends and reads law-related novels.